My Summer Coffee Go-To: Dark Roast Cold Brew

In the hot summer heat, there’s nothing like sipping on a cold, perfectly brewed beverage. As a coffee enthusiast, I have embarked on a journey of taste and exploration, leading me to discover my go-to in the summer: dark roast cold brew. And here’s why….

Went to a cafe serving dark roast cold brew. Intrigued by the name because I’m used to Starbucks’ mid cold brew, I decided to give it a try, and it was GREAT. What sets dark roast cold brew apart from other beverages is its depth of flavor. The dark roast beans undergo a longer roasting process, which intensifies their natural oils, resulting in a full-bodied and velvety smooth texture. Each sip reveals a symphony of chocolaty, smoky, and nutty notes, creating a harmonious melody that lingers long after the drink is done. Yes I used music references on purpose lol.

To achieve the perfect dark roast cold brew, patience is key. The brewing process is a delicate art that involves putting coarsely ground beans in cold water for an extended period. This slow extraction process extracts the coffee's essence while minimizing acidity and bitterness. The result is a brew that is both refreshing and exceptionally well-balanced, allowing the rich flavors to shine through.

One of the reasons dark roast cold brew has become my favorite beverage is its versatility. It can be enjoyed straight over ice, heightening its boldness, or mixed with milk for a creamy treat. My preference is just black but for fun sometimes, I add a splash of vanilla syrup or a sprinkle of cinnamon. Its adaptability allows me to personalize my drink according to my mood, making it suitable for any occasion.

Aside from its incredible taste, dark roast cold brew holds an additional allure—it serves as my daily dose of energy and bliss. The higher caffeine content found in dark roast beans provides a welcome jolt to kickstart my day or keep me going during those afternoon slumps. Its ability to both invigorate and delight my senses is a true testament to its status as the ultimate beverage companion.

In my first and only closing, dark roast cold brew is my drink of choice this summer. I’ll have to find a shop locally who sells it when I don’t have the time to make it myself. If you’d like to learn how to make it, go to the contact section of this site and let me know!